Lip Filler Recovery

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What to Expect and How to Heal Quickly

At Bellava MedAesthetics, your comfort and safety are our top priorities during the lip filler recovery process. 

While some swelling and tenderness are common after lip injections, you’ll be back to normal quickly with proper aftercare. Below we discuss what to expect and how to heal beautifully.

What Are Lip Fillers?

Lip fillers like Juvederm and Restylane add subtle volume and definition to create a gorgeous, enviable pout. These dermal fillers contain smooth hyaluronic acid gel that integrates into the lips’ soft tissues.

At Bellava MedAesthetics, our expert injectors strategically place tiny amounts of filler product along the lip border, in the body of the lips, and around the mouth. The procedure takes only 15-30 minutes.

Some mild side effects are common during the first 1-2 weeks after injections while the area heals. But diligent aftercare ensures you recover comfortably.

Lip Filler Recovery Timeline

Below we outline the typical lip filler recovery stages so you know what to expect:

Immediately After Treatment

You’ll likely experience some swelling, redness, firmness and tenderness in the lips and mouth area right after your injections. This is normal. Our team will offer ice packs to help minimize it before you leave.

We recommend having a ride home, as you may experience numbness from dental block anesthesia. Take it easy the rest of the day.

Day 1

Swelling and firmness often increase slightly on the first day after lip fillers as the hyaluronic acid material absorbs water and expands. Some minor lumps and bumps will resolve on their own.

Use a cool compress regularly throughout the day to reduce swelling. Tylenol can also help any soreness. Bruising around the mouth may become visible within 24 hours.

Days 2-4

Discomfort, swelling, and bruising tend to peak around days 2-4 after lip filler injections. Puffiness will make your lips look bigger during this phase. Bruising may appear darker.

Discomfort is usually manageable with oral pain relievers. Continue using ice packs and keep your head elevated. Drink lots of water.

1 Week After

After about one week, most swelling and bruising improve significantly. Lips start feeling smoother and softer. Tenderness is mild and bruises fade.

You can typically return to work/school 7-10 days after lip fillers if needed by concealing residual bruising with makeup. Strenuous activity is okay to resume.

2 Weeks After

At the two-week mark, swelling has substantially subsided and lips feel closer to normal. Bruising is often gone. Results look smoother and well-integrated.

Most patients feel comfortable going out in public again by this point. A follow up appointment allows your injector to evaluate your progress.

1 Month After

By one month post-treatment, optimal lip filler results are visible as swelling has fully resolved. Lips appear plump and supple with beautiful definition. The product has naturally integrated with your tissues.

Your final look should appear very natural. You can schedule touch ups or maintenance injections as needed after the 1 month mark.

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Tips for Recovering From Lip Fillers

cold compress after lip fillers

Follow these tips from Bellava MedAesthetics for optimal comfort, healing and results after your lip enhancement injections:

  • Use cold compresses for 10-15 minutes each hour to minimize swelling. Never place ice directly on the skin.
  • Sleep elevated on 2-3 pillows to reduce inflammation. Avoid sleeping face-down.
  • Take over-the-counter pain relievers as needed for discomfort. Tylenol or ibuprofen help.
  • Drink lots of water and stay hydrated to support healing.
  • Arnica supplements and gel help reduce bruising and swelling.
  • Avoid alcohol or vigorous exercise for at least 48 hours.
  • Wear broad-spectrum SPF 30+ daily to protect lips from sun damage while healing.
  • Follow our post-care skincare instructions, including avoiding activities like retinoids for 2 weeks.
  • Lymphatic drainage facial massage may help clear swelling after 3 days. Do not massage immediately after.
  • Attend all follow up appointments so we can see how your lips are recovering.

Proper aftercare is vital for smooth, comfortable recovery from lip filler procedures. Avoid picking, peeling or manipulating the lips while healing. And don’t hesitate to call us with any concerns.

Can I Wear Lipstick After Fillers?

We recommend avoiding lipstick, gloss and bold lip colors for at least 24 hours after injections to prevent infection risk.

After the first day, mineral-based makeup applied gently with a disposable wand is okay. By one week, regular cosmetics may be worn as long as lips are handled gently.

Follow our post-care instructions for when certain products are safe to use again after treatment.

When Can I Go Out in Public After Lip Injections?

Most patients feel comfortable going out in public again by 7-10 days after lip fillers once major swelling and bruising improve. Redness may still be visible.

Concealing lingering bruises with makeup makes it easier to resume activities. By 2 weeks, your lips should look presentable enough for social outings.

Attending a special event? Schedule your lip appointment at least 2 weeks prior so you’ll look your best. Avoid big plans the first 3-5 days when swelling peaks.

Can I Work Out After Getting Lip Fillers?

We recommend avoiding strenuous exercise like cardio, weightlifting and hot yoga for at least 24-48 hours after lip injections to prevent bleeding and increased swelling.

After the first 1-2 days, you can resume lighter activities like walking, Pilates and stretching. Just listen to your body.

By one week, normal exercise routines are fine again. But hydrate well and go slowly if lips still feel delicate. Avoid contact sports, pools and saunas while healing.

How Can I Make Lip Fillers Heal Faster?

Patience is key for allowing lip fillers to fully integrate with your tissues. But these tips can help speed your recovery:

  • Follow all post-procedure instructions closely, including icing protocols.
  • Keep stress levels low to prevent inflammation.
  • Drink lots of water and eat a clean, nutritious anti-inflammatory diet.
  • Take bromelain, arnica and vitamin C to minimize bruising.
  • Gently massage the lips after 3 days to improve drainage.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure, smoking, drinking alcohol and touching the area.
  • Get adequate rest and don’t overexert yourself.
  • Use a nourishing lip balm containing vitamins A & E.
  • Attend all follow up appointments for evaluation and advice.

With diligent aftercare, you’ll be back to normal in no time! But don’t rush the process. Let your body heal properly.

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Lip Filler Recovery FAQs

Below we answer some common recovery questions about lip fillers:

How long should I ice after lip fillers? 

Ice the lips for 10-15 minutes each hour during the first 24-48 hours to minimize swelling. Use a barrier between the skin.

When can I drink alcohol after lip injections? 

Avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours after lip fillers as it can increase bruising and inflammation.

How can I sleep after getting lip fillers? 

Sleep propped up on pillows with your head elevated to reduce swelling. Avoid sleeping face down.

When can I workout after lip fillers? 

Light exercise may be resumed 24 hours after treatment. But avoid strenuous exercise for at least 48 hours.

When will I see my final results? 

Optimal results are visible around one month after lip fillers once swelling has fully resolved. Lips will look plump and natural.

How long does bruising last after lip fillers? 

Bruising peaks at 3-5 days and then gradually lightens. Most bruises fully resolve within 7-14 days.

How long does swelling last after lip injections?

Swelling peaks at days 2-4 and then gradually subsides over 1-2 weeks. Subtle swelling may last a month.

When can I get lip fillers again? 

We recommend waiting at least 4 weeks between lip filler treatments to allow proper healing in between.

Can I go to work after getting lip fillers? 

Most patients take 1-3 days off work initially. After that, makeup can conceal bruising/swelling if needed before returning.

Trust Our Lip Expertise

a portrait of a woman with pouting lips

We hope this guide helps you understand what to expect during the lip filler recovery process. With diligent aftercare, you’ll be back to normal quickly. 

Contact Bellava MedAesthetics to schedule your consultation or appointment with our caring team of experts. We look forward to helping you achieve gorgeous, natural-looking results!

Nick Adams


About Nick Adams

Owner/CFO/CMO Nick Adams oversees both the financial and marketing actions along with the day-to-day operations at Bellava MedAesthetics & Plastic Surgery Center. He is passionate about the aesthetics and plastic surgery industry and is committed to helping Bellava’s clients look and feel their best.

A seasoned medspa owner, Nick entered the business when he, along with his wife Dr. Donna D’Alessio, founded the highly regarded Bellava MedSpa & Pain Center in Bellava, New Jersey. At Bellava, Nick spearheaded all of the business strategies and marketing solutions. He brings to Bellava a keen understanding of what makes for an outstanding Medspa experience. First and foremost, this includes a top-notch medical and aesthetics team who place a strong emphasis on customized patient care.

Nick attended the University of New Hampshire as an undergraduate and the MBA program at NYU’s Stern School of Business where he majored in Accounting and Finance. He spent the early part of his career as CFO for prestigious New York City law firms, including Cohen Robin Stine Schumann, LLP and Fabiani Cohen & Hall, LLP. Additionally, Nick is active in fundraising for the University of Miami athletic program.

In his spare time, Nick enjoys softball, boating, and spending time with his wife and twin girls.

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